Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Every Larabar and Jocolat "Copycat" Recipe!

If you have been reading my few blog posts, you probably know I love am obsessed with Larabars. So much, that I once took the time to recreate every single one of their bars. You read that right, and now I'm sharing the recipes with you fabulous readers! I made sure the calorie, carbohydrate, protein, fat, and everything was almost exactly the same as that of the original bar, if you are interested in that sort of thing. Feel free to double, triple, or more as needed as these are all single-serving recipes.
Now, some of these ingredients may be hard to find (I'm looking at you blueberry juice) so feel free to add in more lemon juice instead, dry your own fruit in the oven, etc. as needed. You could even puree some blueberries with water if you wanted to. My point is, these recipes are so versatile and adaptable, not to mention forgiving if you don't add enough sweetener (dates), or too much. 
Peanut Butter Cookie Larabar (serves 1)
4 dates
3 heaping tablespoons of peanuts
pinch of sea salt
1. Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Larabar (serves 1)
3 dates
3T raw cashews
1/2T vegan chocolate chips (regular is fine)
pinch of sea salt
1. Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Apple Pie Larabar (serves 1)
1.5T raw almonds
1T raw walnuts
3 dates
1/8 large apple, chopped (or try unsweetened dry apples)
cinnamon, to taste (I like 1tsp or so)
1/2T unsweetened raisins
1. Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.
Chocolate Coconut Chew Larabar (serves 1)
5 dates
2T raw almonds
1T raw walnuts
1/2T raw cacao (or cocoa) powder
1/2T unsweetened shredded coconut
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte Larabar (my favorite, serves 1)
1T dried cherries, preferably unsweetened
1/2T vegan chocolate chips (or other)
3 dates
1T raw almonds
1/2T raw cashews
pinch of sea salt
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Blueberry Muffin Larabar (serves 1)
2-3 dates
2T heaping raw cashews
4tsp dried unsweetened blueberries
splash of vanilla extract
1T fresh lemon juice
1T blueberry juice (you can use a juicer for this, or more lemon)
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Cashew Cookie Larabar (serves 1)
3-4 dates
1oz of raw cashews (1/4c.)
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Peanut Butter & Jelly Larabar (serves 1)
4 dates
1T dried cherries (preferably unsweetened)
2T unsalted peanuts
pinch of sea salt

1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.
Coconut Cream Pie Larabar (serves 1)
5 dates
1.5T raw almonds
1/2tsp raw extra virgin coconut oil
1/2T unsweetened shredded coconut
1tsp raw cashews
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Pecan Pie Larabar (serves 1)
4 dates
1T heaping raw almonds
2T raw pecans
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.
Lemon Bar Larabar (serves 1)
4 dates
2T raw cashews
1.5T raw almonds
fresh lemon juice, to taste (I like 1T)
optional: grated lemon (if lemons are organic)
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Chocolate Chip Brownie Larabar (serves 1)
4 dates
1/2T vegan chocolate chips (or other)
1/2T raw almonds
1T raw walnuts
1T raw cacao (or cocoa) powder
pinch of sea salt
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Tropical Fruit Tart Larabar (serves 1)
3 dates
4T fresh pineapple or 1T dried pineapple
1.5T unsweetened shredded coconut
1T raw almonds
1/2-1tsp raw extra virgin coconut oil
1/2T raw cashews
juice fresh from an orange, to taste
optional: fresh grated orange zest, to taste (if organic) 
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.
Carrot Cake Larabar (serves 1)
3-4 dates
1T raw almonds
1/2T raw walnuts
1/2T unsweetened raisins
2T fresh pineapple or 1/2T dried pineapple
1/2T unsweetened shredded coconut
1T shredded carrots
ground cinnamon, to taste
1/2tsp raw extra virgin coconut oil
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Banana Bread Larabar (serves 1)
3 dates
3T raw almonds
about 1/3 of a banana or try unsweetened banana "chips"
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Cherry Pie Larabar (serves 1)
4 dates
2T raw almonds
1.5T dried cherries (preferably unsweetened)
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Key Lime Pie Larabar (serves 1)
4 dates
2T raw cashews
1T raw almonds
1/2T unsweetened shredded coconut
lime juice, to taste (about 1T)
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Cappuccino Larabar (serves 1)
3 dates
2T raw almonds
1.5T raw cashews
splash of vanilla extract
Coffee - either 1/4tsp instant or 1T or so brewed*
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.
*If you use brewed coffee, you may need to refrigerate your bars to form them, as they will be quite moist depending on how strong you want the flavor to be in the bars. Use cool coffee if brewed.
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Larabar (serves 1)
2-3 dates
1T vegan chocolate chips (or other)
2.5T unsalted peanuts
pinch of sea salt

1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.
Chocolate Jocalat Bar (okay, this is also my favorite; serves 1)
3 dates
1T raw almonds
1T raw walnuts
1T raw cacao (or cocoa) powder
1/2T raw cashews
1/2T unsweetened dark chocolate, chopped
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.
Chocolate Cherry Jocalat Bar (DISCONTINUED, so sad! serves 1)
3 dates
1T raw almonds
1/2T raw walnuts
1T unsweetened dried cherries
1T raw cacao (or cocoa) powder
1/2T unsweetened dark chocolate, chopped
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.
Chocolate Hazelnut Jocalat Bar (serves 1)
4 dates
1T raw hazelnuts
1T raw almonds
1/2T unsweetened dark chocolate, chopped
1/2T raw cacao (or cocoa) powder
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.
Chocolate Mint Jocalat (serves 1)
4 dates
2T raw almonds
1/2T unsweetened dark chocolate, chopped
1T raw cacao (or cocoa) powder
splash of vanilla extract
few drops peppermint essential oil or extract
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.

Chocolate Coffee Jocalat Bar (serves 1)
4 dates
1T raw walnuts
1/2T raw hazelnuts
1/2T unsweetened dark chocolate, chopped
1/2T raw cacao (or cocoa) powder
1/2T raw cashews
Coffee - either 1/4tsp instant or 1T or so brewed*
1.  Combine all in a food processor and shape into bars.
*If you use brewed coffee, you may need to refrigerate your bars to form them, as they will be quite moist depending on how strong you want the flavor to be in the bars. Use cool coffee if brewed.
~I hope you all enjoy these recipes as much as I do!~

1 comment:

  1. Hi! So, I tried making the Blueberry Muffin bar - I used roughly the number of frozen berries that I thought would make the appropriate amount of juice and they turned out great! However, after shaping it into a bar, will it ever not "stick" to things? It seems like a messy treat to eat out on the trails. Just curious how you have managed that part. Thanks for posting!


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